Things Which to Be Included in Dissertation Structure


Indeed the dissertation writing is a hard task and one has to put special efforts. Things which should be needed to follow is to write the best dissertation structure in English language and speak English. In this blog you will get an idea about the structure of a dissertation and what are the important components that are to be included in the complete dissertation. All the number of people reading this, the topic will just simply not help you to know what they should include in their dissertation research paper or how it should be laid out. But I will further explain the generalized structure of what a number of academic institutions prefer and what they expect from their students to be included in their dissertation:

  • Title Page: First of all you will need to include the title of your dissertation, your name, your course title, your university name and the name of your supervisor. In some of the universities they don’t like to put the course title as it is taken as an unnecessary detail.
  • Abstract: The abstract is basically the summary and overview of your research work you have to be very precise and to the point here, it could be from half a page to one third of the page. The main agenda and all the necessary points should be well touched here.
  • Acknowledgments: In this basically you acknowledge the efforts of those who helped you to complete your research work. In this you have to acknowledge the efforts of all.
  • Table of Contents: This part is basically about the individual chapters and the sub parts and sections of the dissertation. It helps to identify the page no and their names. It also includes the list of figures and tables and also the different sections of the appendices.
  • Introduction: In this part, the researcher basically introduces the reader to the research question, states the problem of the thesis and also briefly discusses about the structure of the entire dissertation.
  • Main Body/Discussion: In this part the literature that has been viewed to identify the problem is being discussed. It usually has number of chapters each explaining about the different dimension of your research topic. The evaluation and analysis is also given in this part quite extensively.
  • Conclusion/Findings: In this part the reader comes to know about the complete conclusion of the researcher and tries to elaborate the answers that have been obtained from his research work. In conclusion and finding part you have to mention all of the findings with evidence. Moreover the suggestions are also suppose to be given in this part.
  • Bibliography/References List: This contains a complete and correctly formatted list of all of the references and source that the researcher have used in his dissertation, whether this be ones you have directed cited from or simply referred to.
  • Appendices: In this part you can add something which is of general flow like letters, information and any questionnaires or transcripts being used and the reason of doing is that they cannot be adjusted with the specific information.