How to Build Argument


The writers should also understand that the writing aims at building argument. The writers must always keep in mind that the writing should be argumentative. Stuffing information in the thesis is not the right thing to do. It is necessary that you must have grip on English conversation to write up the information in proper way, building an argument for your thesis. Sometimes it happens that the writing is just about giving information about the topic and doing nothing about the whole concept. The writers must discuss in detail that the writing ought not to be about the writer or the book but the perspective you are discussing. The writers should understand the ways of argumentation and ways of writing then down. The writers of thesis commit following mistakes while building arguments:

  • The writers believe that the writing ought not to be too much argumentative.
  • The writers think that the information is a part of your argumentation.
  • The argumentation is telling the notion of the thesis.
  • The thesis statement or topic itself is the argument of your thesis.
  • They at times just give arguments but are not able to prove it by writing.

If students are unable to develop an argument then there are some websites where they can find free samples of thesis and dissertations written by scholars and graduated students from different universities from all over the world. The most of websites which are used for this propose are Academia and Open Journals. Here are some tips for building argument;


Critical Thinking:

It is important that one should have a critical thinking. The writers should keep in mind that the writing ought not to be simple because it is something that is already available on the internet. Your words should help the readers understand the real notion behind the thinking and also they should be able to criticize your work in the right manner. Also the critical thinking technique can help your readers understand the command on your writing. The writers should try told develop a critical sense about their topic and for this they may also concern their tutors. The tutors can guide you in the best manner because they are already aware of the tactics of critical thinking but if your tutors are not there to help then you can get through Open Journal website where there are lot of pre-written thesis by master scholars who are skilled in the art of critical thinking and can help you best for your thesis writing.


Logical Reasoning:

The point of discussion should be logical. It is not important that you have to argue about anything that comes in your way. The argumentation is required as you ought to write in the best manner. While working on a thesis it is important that you argue via logic. If you are beating about the bush then certainly makes no sense so make sure you are aware of your logics. The tutors and other readers can guide you in this perspective because something may seem logical to you but for other it won’t make sense at all.